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Prices exclude parts needed and VAT although VAT exemption may apply. Prices are indicative only and may be subject to change.  For confirmation of actual cost please ask for a quote in advance and refer to  our Terms and Conditions.

Wheelchairs, Walkers, Rollators and other non-powered mobility equipment for private customers

PRICE LIST from 1/1/25

TypeForLocationPrice excluding VAT
ServicingWheelchairs, Walkers, Rollators and other non-powered mobility equipmement - fixedCity Mobility Workshop£50.00
ServicingWheelchair, Walkers, Rollators and other non-powered mobility equipment - fixedCustomer's site£80.00
RepairsWheelchairs, Walkers, Rollators and other non-powered mobility equipment - per 1/2 hour (min 1/2 hour)City Mobility Workshop£35.00
Call outWheelchair, Walkers, Rollators and other non-powered mobility equipment - set rate (includes 1/2 hour on site)Customer's site£80.00
Call outAdditional 1/2 hours (min charge in 1/2 hour increments)Customer's site£35.00
Walk-inRepair without a prearranged appointment.  1/2 hour minimum charge (and per additional 1/2 hours)City Mobility Workshop£40.00
Mobility Scooter; Powerchair; Golf Buggy and other powered mobility equipment for private customers

PRICE LIST from 1/1/25

TypeForLocationPrice excluding VATPrice with loyalty discount
ServicingMobility Scooters; Powerchairs; Golf Buggies and other powered mobility equipment - fixed rateCity Mobility Workshop£90.00£70.00
ServicingMobility Scooters; Powerchairs; Golf Buggies and other powered mobility equipment - fixed rateCustomer's site£100.00£80.00
RepairsMobility Scooters; Powerchairs; Golf Buggies and other powered mobility equipment - with appointment, per 1/2 hour (min charge 30 mins)City Mobility Workshop£35.00
Walk inMobility Scooters; Powerchairs; Golf Buggies and other powered mobility equipment - no appointment, per 1/2 hour (min charge 30 mins)City Mobility Workshop£40.00
Call outMobility Scooters; Powerchairs; Golf Buggies and other powered mobility equipment - set rate (includes first 1/2 hour on site)Customer's site£80.00£60.00
Call outAdditional 1/2 hours (min charge 1/2 hour increments)Customer's site£35.00
Service add onCharger PAT test (can only be added on to service)any£30.00
Battery testPlease charge batteries fully before bringing in.  Batteries must be left with City Mobility overnight.City Mobility Workshop£30.00
LOLER & Lifting Equipment for private; commercial and charitable customers

PRICE LIST from 1/11/24

ForLocationPrice (excluding vAT)
Lift service, weight and LOLER testCity Mobility Workshop200.00
Lift service, weight and LOLER test (excludes travel)within 10 miles radius of City Mobility Workshop200.00
Lift service, weight and LOLER test (excludes travel)Customer's site250.00

Car Adaptations or work on any vehicle (excluding LOLER work as priced separately)

PRICE LIST wef 1/11/24
LocationDescriptionPrice per hour (excluding VAT)
WorkshopResearch time (payable in advance and may be part refundable depending on time taken) NB - this is payable even if the answer is we can't help on this occasion.70.00
WorkshopFitting, repairing, balancing and/or servicing.100.00
Customer's siteFitting, repairing, balancing and/or servicing (price per hour excludes travel (see Travel price list for more information)120.00


Where a customer can be flexible and wait until we can bunch jobs together to come to them, there will generally be no travel time charged or only shared travel time, depending on location and time taken.  If you require us to make a special trip to you travel time is chargeable in half hour units.  Where travel time is to be applied we will advise you in advance.

Travel time is chargable in 1/2 hour units of £45 (excl VAT).

Miscellaneous pricing 
TypeForLocationPrice excluding VAT
Admin costsparts only orders (excludes cost of parts)City Mobility Workshop£10.00
Showroom costsProduct home demonstration - 1st visitCustomer's site within City Mobility's mainland dealership areaFREE
Showroom costsProduct home demonstration - subsequent visitsCustomer's site within City Mobility's mainland dealership area£96 (incl VAT) this will be deducted from the cost of a purchase made within 3-months
Showroom costsProduct home demonstration - IslandsCustomer's site price on application, depending on Ferry costs, overnight stay/s etc


If you are a mobility business and would like to sub-contract us to carry out work for you please contact us for pricing. 

The above prices do not apply to you.

We can help with:

Insurance claims : Deliveries : Collections : Palleting for collection : Warranty call outs : Servicing and other ad-hoc requests
