Pavement Scooters
Pavement scooters travel up to 4mph (6kph) and work best if you are travelling on good pavements. Although if you have a slight incline to negotiate or want to travel further you may need a scooter at the larger end of the pavement scooter range. Some are small enough to meet the requirements to take them on a bus without folding. Some fold, most dismantle, but some of the larger pavement scooters don't do either.
Shown here are the pavement scooters that we usually stock. Most are available to lease through the Motability Scheme as well as being available to buy privately. Some have lithium batteries and some are built of lightweight materials to make lifting them easier. Some are airline friendly but if you are buying it especially to take on a plane it's best to check with your carrier before purchasing it what their specific policy is.
Depending on the size of your boot, most will fit in it. Although the dismantling scooters break down into more 4-6 managable parts some people still struggle to lift the parts, an alternative is to use a boot hoist to lift the whole scooter.
It is illegal to travel faster than 4 mph on a pavement. Some people choose road scooters which can travel up to 6 or 8mph but only use them on the pavement because they are more comfy, have better suspension and seats, and a longer range. The road scooters have a setting on them so you can switch it down to 4mph when on the pavements.
We have good relationships with the majority of well known and respected mobility equipment suppliers so if you don't see what you are looking for it is likely we can get it for you.
We will not sell you a scooter or powerchair if we feel you are not competent to use it. Your safety and that of other pavement and road users is important to us. We don't pay our staff commission on sales, their main focus will be on finding the right product for you and not how much commission they can make!
You can find out more about insuring your product here.